What started out as just an idea in the summer of 2017, quickly became a reality at IDS 2018 – Interior Design Show. We are proud to have demonstrated a full Proof of Concept at the show, and as we look back to our debut appearance, we must say that IDS 2018 was something we will never forget.
Our booth concept came about after bouncing ideas back and forth with our talented agency partners Send + Receive. We wanted to have some fun with our booth, attract some attention, showcase our creativity & craftsmanship, and to ultimately tell our story as simply as we could.
Standing behind our tagline, “Bring your ideas, we will bring them to the world”, Randy and I created from scratch, a crumpled paper sculpture representing an artistic expression of ‘ideas’. The graphics on the ground represented a collage of actual concepts from recent design graduate Trish Roque, and the chair itself is her design “The Roque” that we brought to life.
From the start of the opening night party to the last hour of the show, IDS was a huge success for us with nothing but positive vibes from everyone: from the commercial sector that wanted to buy our paper sculpture, all the up-and-coming designers asking all the right questions, and to all the new industry friends and contacts we’ve made… what an awesome industry and community to be a part of, thank you!
Des + Randy